Admission Form

Photography and Video (Camera) Policy 2016
Griffithstown Primary School


The school encourages the use of cameras and tablet devices to record photographic images and videos of pupils to support, develope and evidence learning and teaching.

Images of learning will be inserted in pupil's books and displayed around the school. The school will regularly upload photographs and videos of learning to 'school managed' online sites, to celebrate the achievements of our pupils, staff, parents governors and community. This includes: Website: Twitter: @griffithstown1 and other teacher led twitter accounts.

Parents, carers and guardians are invited to attend events at school throughout the tear. We understand the need for parents, carers and guardians to take photographs and videos of their children.

All Griffithstown related Facebook sites are neither managed nor monitored by school.

During school organised events, we request that any images or videos are shared with caution. Videos and pictures (containing other pupils) must not uploaded to social media sites. This also includes any videos or photos taken on school premises, at any time, containing other pupils e.g after school clubs, dropping children to school, picking children up at the end of the day.


- Staff understand that photographs or videos of 'vulnerable' pupils are NOT publicly displayed in school or uploaded to the internet.
- All parents, carers and guardians who have children new to school are requested to complete an information pack which includes an e-safety Policy and Camera Policy agreement pro forma.
- If parents, carers, or guardians object to a photograph or video of their child being displayed publicly, they should contact the school in writing.
- This policy will be displayed on the school website
- Parents will be informed of this policy in annual newsletters

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